业务 Degrees

业务 Degrees

它很简单. Success requires experience. NWU的商业学位将商业教育与商业经验相结合,这是该地区其他学校所没有的.

Conduct internships. 我们非常重视实习,所以我们鼓励你多做几次. You can do two for credit. 我们为北吴大学的学生提供了在当地企业实习的机会,比如Ameritas Financial, KPMG LLP), Sandhills Publishing, State Farm and Union Bank. Others work in Washington, D.C., through NWU’s Capitol Hill Internship Program (CHIP).

Manage real money. NWU’s Student Investment Group puts you in charge of a $1.5 million portfolio within Nebraska Wesleyan’s endowment. You do the research. You evaluate the risks. And you make the decisions—just like you will in your career.

Make business connections. 我们的年度商业峰会将数十位首席执行官和商业领袖带到校园进行小组讨论和交流. And with the Quick Pitch Competition, 你有机会向评审团和潜在投资者推销你的商业理念.

Get a head start on your MBA. 许多商科本科生直接转入北吴的工商管理硕士课程. Some courses offer dual credit. 会计专业的学生可以在短短五年内获得会计学士学位和硕士学位.

High-demand degrees added. Financial Planning, 数字营销和项目管理学位现在面向北吴学生开放. 这些研究领域对雇主和学生都有很高的需求.

Get amazing results.


我们的毕业生在安泰人寿保险等公司开始他们的职业生涯, 柏克德LLP), 花旗集团(CitiGroup), 德勤管理咨询公司, First National Bank, Kardia Family Wealth Planning LLC, McGladrey LLP), Talent Plus and many other prominent businesses. Other graduates launch successful companies of their own.

业务 faculty

我们的教授将专业经验与他们的顶级学术证书一起带入课堂. 他们的工作经历包括在芝加哥期货交易所的职位, accounting firms, investment consulting and much more. 


业务 opportunities

塔克·麦克休(Tucker McHugh)想在热爱体育运动的同时从事商业事业. 他在林肯(Lincoln)创业公司的实习经历,使他能够在体育代言和社交媒体营销方面建立自己的简历.