Math Professor Brent McKain teaches class outdoors with a rolling white board.
数学 and 计算机科学 度


数学 and 计算机科学 Department
Christine Petersen, Administrative Assistant
(402) 465-2427 办公室
cpeters2 [at] (cpeters2[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

数学 and 计算机科学 度

With a math or computer science degree from NWU, you’ll be poised for career success. We do it by building your ability to spot patterns, make predictions, and reason rationally. These are skills that will set you apart in any career.

NWU's 数学 and 计算机科学 program enables you to develop a strong foundation in science, 技术, 工程与数学. Our liberal arts tradition means you’ll not only grow as a problem-solver, but you’ll also develop your ability to communicate effectively in a variety of technical disciplines.

NWU 数学 and 计算机科学 gives you an effective and organized way to think about problems and seek powerful answers.


数学 is all about intersections. Math intersects so many areas of study—like music, economics and social science.

That’s why our math and computer science students do more than crunch numbers. 在NWU, you can explore math and computer science through teaching and research while also performing and volunteering throughout the campus. You can intern in Washington D.C. 在世界各地学习.

Your mathematical and computer science skills and the breadth of your Nebraska Wesleyan experience will expand your career opportunities.

NWU’s small classes mean more individual opportunity, and more personal growth. NWU graduates consistently pursue a variety of careers including teaching, research and law. NWU 数学 and 计算机科学 alumni also work as engineers, 保险精算的科学家, 分析师, computer scientists and entrepreneurs.

数学 and 计算机科学 faculty

NWU 数学 and 计算机科学 faculty are award-winning, dedicated educators who use the latest 技术 and teaching methods to inspire greatness and change lives. Their broad interests include powerful applications of math to medical imaging, cryptography and computer science, as well as areas of pure mathematical study like combinatorics and topology.

NWU professors—not graduate assistants—design and instruct every math and computer science course. NWU advisors help students identify courses and other opportunities to supplement their education to enhance success in and out of Nebraska Wesleyan.